Be Happy Bouquet
Be Happy Bouquet
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Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet - by Miami Florist - Trias Flowers. If you want to make someone feel better, simply present them with this bouquet. Your friend's or loved one's face with light up upon the cheerful sight of this bright yellow, happy face.
This delightful Be Happy Bouquet from Trias Flowers is the epitome of cheerfulness captured in a floral arrangement. It's like sunshine in a mug! The clever use of the iconic Teleflora's Be Happy® Mug as a vase adds a playful twist that instantly brings a smile to anyone's face. The bright yellow smiley face on the mug radiates positivity and is sure to turn any frown upside down. Nestled within this joyful mug are blooms that are just as spirited. Sunny yellow roses symbolize friendship, joy, and caring, making them the perfect ambassadors of good cheer. Their soft petals and rich, sunny hue are complemented by the pure white daisies, which stand for innocence and purity. These daisies add a sense of lightness and are reminiscent of carefree days spent lounging in a sunlit field.
Accompanying these are the charming button chrysanthemums, also known as 'buttons,' which bring texture and volume to the mix. Their vibrant yellow color ties in beautifully with the roses, creating a harmonious blend of shades and shapes. These flowers in Teleflora's Be Happy® Mug offer more than just a bouquet; they deliver a message of happiness and warmth. It's a whimsical gift that's not only perfect for lifting spirits but also serves as a lasting reminder to always find joy in the every day—a delightful present for any occasion that calls for a dose of happiness.
Smiles guaranteed! Daisies, roses, and buttons are delivered in Teleflora's Be Happy® Mug.
Approximately 10"H x 9.5" W